Inside-Center of the Church

Archdiocesan Youth Ministry (OCY)

Totus Tuus Summer Camp


Totus Tuus Summer Camp is returning in the summer of 2019. Contact a parish near you that is hosting a week of camp! Day program: Grades 1 - 6. Evening program: Grades 7 - 12. Totus Tuus will be available at the following locations: 


To register for any of these camp locations, please contact the parish directly. For more information on the camp, visit


Steubenville Toronto Registration​​
Steubenville Toronto is a partnership between the Archdiocese of Toronto and Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio.  

Group registration is currently open on the conference website:

​​​Re: Generation Chastity Missionaries​​​

Have you ever thought that it would be great for young people to witness and evangelize their peers as it relates to sexuality? Five young adults have been trained in Saint Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body and are ready to speak about chastity at your local high schools, elementary schools and parish youth ministries. The content of these talks and how to book these speakers are readily available on our website​. Given the current climate of sex education, the Catholic message of authentic love is ever needed. Please pass on this information to your local chaplains, teachers, and school administrators.

To book a team of missionaries to come speak at your parish or school, please contact Desiree at 416-599-7676. 

Family of Faith - Youth Ministry Subsidy​​
The Pastoral Plan encourages all parishes to “seriously consider hiring a youth minister.” The Family of Faith Campaign recognizes that “hiring staff may present significant challenges for parishes with fewer resources.” If you think your parish would benefit from this subsidy and are in a position of need, you might consider discussing this with your parish and finance councils. Part of the application will include the submission of a vision for youth ministry at your parish and a job description for a youth minister. Instructions how to apply can be found here​. 

Office of Catholic Youth


The Office of Catholic Youth provides consulting, training, and resources in order to start-up and sustain strong parish youth ministry at the parish level. Forming secondary partnerships (school boards, lay associations, etc.) and running programs (i.e. Totus Tuus, conferences, retreats, etc.) to help bolster the youth ministries at the parish level by bringing in focused, energetic evangelization efforts. ​​​​​​​

For more information about youth ministry in the Archdiocese, please contact us:

John MacMullen
Associate Director - Youth Ministry
416-599-7676, ext. 225